The center for the Accenture, was again the same college as Infosys, the SRMCEM college., in Lucknow. This was the pool campus for the whole UP having more than 15000 aspirants. I felt like a tiny pebble in that ocean of candidates...
Well, after a long, tiring and simply stupid (because of stupid arrangements done to handle such a mass) registration process, we got to enter the examination hall 2-3 hours after the scheduled time.. The written paper was easy... I wrote the paper quickly and came back to KGMC at my friend's place... and i was back to Kanpur the next day.
The result was to be declared by email and we got the notification on the 3rd April '08. Then, again I was in Lucknow for the GD and interview. Only 695 of the whole pack of aspirants could clear the written test. I was residing at my friend's place again. So, reached the center on the 5th morning and we all were asked to wait for the GD after a 1 hour presentation (pre-placement talk or PPT). My call for GD was at 12 noon.. We had it for around 20 minutes and the result was declared immediately then. It was for the first time in my life that i had ever faced a GD, and the good thing was that i had cleared it... 295 candidates had cleared the GD round...
Then, we were asked to wait for the interview. But unfortunately, after waiting for the whole day till 10pm, I wasn't called for the interview.. After some time, the Acccenture delegates told us that due to the large number of students and it getting late, some students were scheduled the next day, to be interviewed. And i was one of them.
6th April' 08: The next day again, that wait for interview started.. I got the chance for my HR interview quickly.. I was a bit happy as i got a quick chance.. The interviewer was a young man.. and really very-very impressive.. He interviewed me well for about half an hour and i responded well, i think.. After the interview, he asked me to wait for the result. Within a span of 10 minutes, I got the news that I had cleared the HR round and now had to wait for the Technical interview round..
Now, the mammoth wait started... i was waiting all hungry and damn, i was the second last candidate of the day to be called for the Technical Interview...
This Interview was again a fantastic one... The interviewer and I shared the same hobbies..
He questioned me a lot.. We also shared the same choices for the computer language. i.e.JAVA
.The interview was really interesting. The most interactive interview that i had faced up till then.
The interview was over after some 30 minutes again. It was a very nice one that i heartily enjoyed. Both the Accenture interviewers were very friendly.
The results were declared after 2-3 more my hungry hours.... :-)
In all 154 selections were made.. and as the names were being announced, i went numb. I went hopeless thinking that I was out. I hadn't made it. But, the last was ARPIT GAUR... Surprisingly, the last name... I had really experienced breath-taking moments during that announcement. I can't describe my anxiety in words...
I had to wait for some farewell speech from those Accenture delegates and then i was OFF. I immediately called my mom for the news and my friend Rohit. Then i took my bike (rather Rohit's bike that i had borrowed for the day in Lucknow) and went to Hazrat Ganj in high spirits.. I treated myself well , first of all as i was damn hungry..
Then i went back to Rohit's place and our celebrations started..
The next day was my Birthday 7th April, so the celebrations were amazing, confined to the two best friends.. he and me... Then, i don't know when we slept....